We have "Adult Lives":
This means we have jobs and responsibilities like everyone else. We also experience our world through aging bodies. As we know from basic bi
Our Roots
Nothing to Do With Children
The Juggernaught
Erasure of Age Non-conformers
A Healthy Balance
Understanding means holding onto two words, "not inherently". Also perhaps the famous rule 69 of the internet, 'if it exists there is a porn version of it on the internet". No joke there is more erotic Star Trek fan content out there than there is original content. As much as some people would prefer that we are innocent bundles of joy that don't have sexuality, many of us do. While there are an unusually high percentage of Asexual folks in our community, every sexual orientation is represented. We all still have to deal with hormones and biological imperatives. Some people do try to carve out very distinct little and big spaces in their lives but the majority of us are not going to make an effort to change who we are just so we can fit someone else's notions of sexuality. Diapers are the context many of us live in. We do our taxes in diapers, why not sex?
Overall, the ideal mindset to take towards towards the term ABDL is that it usually implies the sexual side of our community, but as with all labels, it is just a label. Moreover everyone in our community buys diapers etc. from the same places.
Also diapers are like any other item of clothing, they will get fetishized. We know this... There are even folks out there who have fetishes for temple garments (super boring jumpsuits).
This means we have jobs and responsibilities like everyone else. We also experience our world through aging bodies. As we know from basic bi
Our Roots
Nothing to Do With Children
The Juggernaught
Erasure of Age Non-conformers
A Healthy Balance
Understanding means holding onto two words, "not inherently". Also perhaps the famous rule 69 of the internet, 'if it exists there is a porn version of it on the internet". No joke there is more erotic Star Trek fan content out there than there is original content. As much as some people would prefer that we are innocent bundles of joy that don't have sexuality, many of us do. While there are an unusually high percentage of Asexual folks in our community, every sexual orientation is represented. We all still have to deal with hormones and biological imperatives. Some people do try to carve out very distinct little and big spaces in their lives but the majority of us are not going to make an effort to change who we are just so we can fit someone else's notions of sexuality. Diapers are the context many of us live in. We do our taxes in diapers, why not sex?
Overall, the ideal mindset to take towards towards the term ABDL is that it usually implies the sexual side of our community, but as with all labels, it is just a label. Moreover everyone in our community buys diapers etc. from the same places.
Also diapers are like any other item of clothing, they will get fetishized. We know this... There are even folks out there who have fetishes for temple garments (super boring jumpsuits).